2025 Membership Fees

Indiv. Membership $140 + HST = $158.20 (+ admin fee)

Family Membership $240 + HST = $271.20 (+ admin fee)

Member Login Login

Membership Information and Fees

2025 Membership renewal (purchase) is currently in full swing and new membership registration is open. . To complete your 2025 mandatory electronic waiver(s) visit SpeedWaiver. Only once your online waiver is completed correctly and approved manually by the SCR Membership Team (which could take a day or so), you will be notified your account is IN GOOD STANDING. Be sure to check your junk mail. Note: We can not chase you for your waivers so please be sure to complete them correctly for your account to be approved. The login to the members site is above beside "Member Login".

ATTN GUEST RIDERS: Steel City Riders will be welcoming guest (day) riders to our MX Series races for a nominal fee above member race fees. Complete your mandatory waivers at the following link Day Rider SpeedWaiver using the below guides to be sure you've done them correctly. Prior to or once submitted, contact raceday@steelcityriders.ca for more information. Select home track events will welcome day riders with an existing SCR member as your sponsor.

Here are some video guides for your assistance.
   Creating a New Member Account
   Submitting a Single Adult SpeedWaiver
   Submitting a Minor Waiver (2 Legal Parents/Guardians)
   Submitting a Minor Waiver (1 Legal Sole Parent/Guardian)

New Member Information

If you are interested in a 2025 membership, watch the video(s) above and visit our membership site at Member Login to "Register a new account" (Once Opened on February 19th, 2025). Please follow the instructions closely, and when submitting your waivers please take particular care to select a two-parent minor waiver for your under 18 child if you share legal custody. Use the single parent waiver if you have sole legal custody. If you are signing up for the first time and you have sole custody, please send memberships an email attesting to your sole Custody so that we can keep a note in our files. Take note that all new members to Steel City Riders must complete a work day at an away race track, so if you can not commit to that, Steel City Riders is not the club for you. Please review our membership requirements and family qualifications below.

What are your membership obligations?

Every individual member 8 years old or older as of January 1st of the seasons calendar year must have a mandatory work day completed during the season. This will usually be flagging at a race. Flaggers must be 14 years of age or older, so parents of minors (or self-arranged fill in) will have complete the work day for their children. If you have a family of 4 members, 4 work days are required. During online registration, you will be required to select a day from what's available. These are first come first serve. A work day is an obligation of membership. If you can't commit to a work day, SCR may not be the club for you. If you register and the only work days available are away races, that means that others have registered before you and those work days are no longer available. All first year members will be required to complete their work day at a non home track event.

Who qualifies for a family membership?

A family membership consists of single, common-law or married adult(s)/parent(s) and/or their children under the age of 18 living in the same residence. Children between 18 and 22 who are active students and who permanently reside with a parent or parents qualify as part of the family membership IF a valid student card can be provided. Those 18 years and above are considered independent adults and require an individual membership. Extended family members (uncles, cousins, in-laws or siblings outside the age limit) living in the same household do not qualify as a family member for membership purposes.

What do I get with membership?

With membership you will receive seasonal access to the Steel City Riders private club track and trail facility and the ability to participate in our MX Series and/or Off Road Series (at a fee) and other private club events.


2025 Membership Fees 

Individual Membership   $140 + HST + admin fee
Family Membership   $240 + HST + admin fee


2025 Motocross Competition Entry Fees (HST not included) 

Individual Rates:    $40 First Class, $20 Second Class, $10 Third Class (+ HST & admin fee) 
Family Rates:    $40 First Rider/Class, $20 Second Rider/Class, $10 per additional Rider/Class (+ HST & admin fee)
Note: SCR does not charge gate fees.